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How Did We Do?

Dedicated to pairing our clients with the very best candidates
Sandra Tamworth 

"I used LM for her pet company, Shui Pets, but now that she has this childcare service..she's officially my best friend. lol LM EFFECT is a blessing in disguise."

"If you've never met Lea Mitchell, owner of LM Effect, then do yourself a favor and just have a sip of coffee with her. Thank me later. She has 2 other companies and a nonprofit. This angel is a game changer!"

Andrew Carlisle

“I was referred to LM EFFECTS through Lea Mitchell herself. I KNOW that I can trust my son with her. I know he'll come back with another speck of knowledge.”

Amber Smith

"My friend told me about LM EFFECT and that I could send my 3 year old daughter  to them instead of the government funded programs. Love the staff and Lea!"

Priscilla Upton
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